Saturday, April 3, 2010


Monday, March 29: High: 36F Low: 23F Length of Day: 14H 28m
Tuesday, March 30: High 27F Low: 15F Length of Day: 14H 42m
Wednesday, March 31: High 13F Low: 6F Length of Day: 14H 45m
Thursday, April 1: High 82F Low: 59F Length of Day: 12H 39m
Friday, April 2: High 5F Low: -7F Length of Day: 15H 25m

Sorry for the delay in posting, but I got super sick this week. I started to feel bad Monday night, and by Tuesday I was so sick I didn't leave the dorm until Thursday. Although the weather is not good for going to Fairbanks, the team flies local routes on Monday and Tuesday, but I spend Monday through Thursday alone in my room. I was really trying not to get anyone else sick, plus I wasn't feeling very social. And although I was sick, I still had to do my job, so I was up and down out of bed, backing up data. That probably delayed my recovery. By Thursday I started to feel better, and on Friday I actually started being social again. The team flies on Friday as well, but then the decision was made to put Fairbanks off until next week and take the weekend off again (yay!). I still had work to do, and I missed dinner in the mess hall. But everyone goes out to the TOW club, so I meet them out there around 8:30pm and have fish and chips. Everyone was playing darts and having a good time. I head back around 11pm to finish up my work. I was looking forward to having the weekend with nothing to do. Saturday is Armed Forces Day with the local indigenous people having a dog sled race. There's also supposed to be a craft fair on Sunday. I'm looking forward to seeing the dogs I've heard so much about. Also, Butler plays Saturday night. I think I have everyone around here rooting for Butler. However, there are quite a few Duke fans, so if it's Duke and Butler in the final game, things could get interesting.

Also, the days are getting really long now. It doesn't get dark until around 11:30pm, and it begins to get light at 3:30am. The days are lengthening by 15 minutes each day, and in another week, it won't get completely dark at all. 24 hours of daylight or 24 hours of night is something I've always wanted to experience.

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